
  >>>>>Грамматика >>>>>The Definite Article 

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Historically the definite Article ( the ) is a demonstrative pronoun. It has 2 functions:

· Individualizing (specifying) – meaning “this, definite”. For example: Give me the ( this ) book, please

· Generic( meaning “the whole class of” ). For example: The housewife has an easier life than the office worker

The Definite Article is used in the specifying function before nouns whose referents are definite. They are made definite by:

1. a restrictive/limiting/ attribute or a restrictive attributive clause .For example:…..he stood at the other end of the room. Where is the book that I bought this morning?

2. The preceding context. For example: A large half-wild gray cat was rubbing at Marcie’s leg.

3. The situation of speech. For example: Mary sprang up and rushed to the door/of the room where Mary was/.

4. The meaning of the noun. For example: The sun was dropping to the west


The referents of the nouns sun and west are definite because they denote unique objects like moon, sky, world and other.


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